Thursday, July 5, 2007

What I learned so far

Some of the group have been talking about, or asking what we have learned. I thought I would get this down as I thought about so I would not forget. I have been working on my June page this week, almost done! I think I can finish tonight, then a few touch ups and I will post.

(I should also add I had a wonderful time at Beads on the Vine. Got some great beads and ideas for future pages. )

I learned I could do it. I learned magatama's are fabulous to bead embroider with. I really like them. I already knew pearls were too, but reminded myself again. I reminded myself too that I love turquoise/aqua, etc. colors. I learned that double thread seems to work better for me. I started with single, but switched to double when I was putting on larger beads.

I am not sure I will start will an all white background a lot, for the rest of my pages. I think it helps with my creativity and free form, but you can see empty spaces a lot easier!

I will probably save the backing and mounting to the end as I am not sure what I want to do yet. I am still leaning towards mounting my pages in some kind of scrap book.

My beads talked to me. Some inner force or thought kept moving me along and saying bead with me, put me here. I guess that is what journaling is all about. The piece has meaning for me. I will need to think what I want to say about that, or rather how to say. One of those instinctive things I know but may not be able to focalize. But ultimately the journal is for me and will speak to me the best. I will say now though, I am a Pisces, hence the fish (so is my boyfriend.) I have always liked fish as a motif though. Goes well with aqua/turquoise of course.

Well back to my beading and my wine!

1 comment:

s said...

Nancy, I totally understand what you mean when you say that the beads talk to you. I feel the same way.I know this may sound weird. But if I try to pick up a bead on my needle and it pops away from me more than twice. I don't use it in that spot. I just pick up a different bead. It just seems that bead doesn't want to be used yet.